Christchurch Star
June 7 1989

Hospital Staff 'in breach of guidelines' - One of the Cases
by Cate Brett

One of the cases investigated by Dr Ding and reported on "Frontline" programme was the story of Ben.

In a major report on March 28 the "Christchurch Star" told the story of Ben and his family.

It took up where the story of Baby C, an infant who died while under the Department of Social Welfare's supervision, left off. This time it involved a Christchurch family: four children ranging in ages from 15 months to ? years, and their parents.

Since January last year this family was subjected to microscopic scrutiny by a bewildering number of professionals.

On May 12, 1988, all four children were forcibly taken from their home by a squad of police and social workers.

The Department of Social Welfare alleged each child had been physically and emotionally abused by its parents.

It later also alleged two of the children had been sexually abused in all probability by their father.

After a separation of 291 days and a court hearing which spanned six months the children have now been returned to their mother.

The marriage did not survive the ordeal, but the children's father, still believed by some to have sexually abused at least one of his children, has free access to his children.

All complaints against the parents were dismissed on March 2, in spite of the judge's lingering suspicions that the child at the centre of the case may well have been sexually abused by someone.

The "Christchurch Star" was given special leave by the Family Court judge to report on the proceedings and the issues raised.