The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case

Classic Quotes

What they actually said….

“Joy Bander”     new May 2009
A main Instigator of the witch hunt against Peter Ellis

John Breese
McMartin case juror"

Theodore Dalrymple (2006)
Psychiatrist and author

Professor Graham Davies (2000)
"expert" for Eichelbaum Inquiry

Peter Ellis (1996)
NZ child sex abuse witchhunt victim

Rev John Elvidge (1989)
Current Executive Director Presbyterian Support, Upper Sth Island

Justices Glazebrook & Gendall (2004)
Appeal Court Judges

Dr Lyn Hay (1988)
Clinical Psychologist, Christchurch

Dr Steve Hudson (1988)
Director Clinical Training Canterbury University Psych Dept.

Hetty Johnston (2005)
Founder of "Bravehearts"

Julian (2004)
One of the unsung victims of the Creche

Colin McColl (2007)    
Auckland Theatre Company Director of "The Crucible"

Rosemary Frances Smart (1992)
Director Presbyterian Support Campbell Centre

Dr Karen Zelas (1993)
Psychiatrist who gave evidence at trial of Ellis