FVPCC (Family Violence
Prevention Coordinating Committee)
(1991. September
Family violence:
Prevention in the 1990s.
Christchurch, New
Two Volumes.
Wellington, FVPCC.
Vol.2. Pages 15-17.
Dabblers are people who undertake something superficially without
serious intent. The ten is used to describe those who have a limited knowledge
of what they are involved in. Dabbling in ritual activities is known as ritual
dabbling and is described a one of the fastest growing levels within the ritual
abuse/satanic belief system.
The following general characteristics are constructed from American
material and from what is known in Aotearoa/New Zealand. The more points that
fit the dabbler, the more chance of having already been recruited or being
recruited into a higher level of initiation. The behaviour, activities and
beliefs of a dabbler progress the further involved the become.
- generally male, middle
to upper class, age 9 to 28
- limited knowledge of
what they are involved in
- believe the more anti
social they are the better they are
- substance abuse
- of European descent
- wear satanist symbols eg
jewellery made of silver
- tattoos of satanist
- dress in black eg
Gothics or Shitheads
- creative and curious
- above average
- underachievers
- low self esteem
- history of suicide
- into self harm
especially stab wounds of cigarette burns generally on the left arm
- preoccupied with death
Fantasy role playing games (eg Dungeons and Dragons), heavy metal
music, books and movies can influence and possibly enhance the dabblers
involvement. However, if these activities are not taken to the extreme they are
not considered dangerous.
It is becoming increasingly apparent that criminal acts are perpetrated
by groups involved in ritual activities.
There is also a risk of a dabbler progressing from having a limited
knowledge to becoming involved in upper levels of cult involvement. This has
implications for those working in the areas of youth suicide, substance abuse
and ritual abuse.
A dabbler can be at risk of this progression whether they have
become a dabbler haphazardly through experimentation with peers or where there
has been a leader. There are two types
of adult leaders:
Those recruiting for
purposes of self gratification
Those recruiting for
upper levels of cult involvement
Taking the ritual dabbler seriously is important because it seems
that Satanists seek new members for groups by screening dabblers.
Organised groups hold parties that teenage dabblers get invited
to. The parties offer free sex and drugs. The scenario may go like this - if
the lure is a party, the prospective member is shown a special room for a
select few. Photographs and videos are then taken of the person while in compromised
positions. Later they are then taken to the special room where the new belief
system is introduced. The person would sign a contract to Satan. This might be
to agree to sacrifice themselves at a certain age. The photographs and videos
are used to induce participation.
Once a member, different ritual activities commence. They may
include, but are not limited to, ceremonies in wooded areas, cemeteries,
commercial or residential areas or abandoned buildings, the drinking of blood,
wine and or urine mixtures, the use of drugs and the mutilation and sacrifice
of animals. The size of the dabbler ritual group varies in size from 2 to 3
people and up.
As involvement progresses, dabblers may become involved in criminal
acts such as desecrating graves, theft, selling drugs and arson. When members
become bored with animal sacrifice the next step is human sacrifice or suicide.
Members may attempt to leave the belief system at this point by seeking hospitalisation,
substance abuse treatment or committing suicide.
During the progression into these higher rituals the following
changes may occur:
- bitter hatred towards
family and religion
- drop in grades
- cuts to body
- increased use of illegal
- use of satanic nicknames
- use of various alphabets
While the threat of mental, physical, sexual and emotional abuse
may not be evident within groups of teen dabblers, higher involvement increases
the risk of abuse occurring. It is through identifying behaviour changes that
parents, teachers, educators and counsellors can act before involvement
progresses. It is important to remember that adolescents get involved in groups
such as cults and the occult mainly out of a desire to:-
- get acceptance and
- have a spiritual
- have a sense of purpose
(Adapted from Cults and Consequences)
Parents are looking for the following items
a black covered book or computer counterpart that has types and
locations of rituals and contracts for suicide or homicide
- ceremonial knives
- candles
- chalice
- robes
- photographs and/or videos
- books about belief systems, eg satanic
- animal bones and human bones, especially
skull, right upper leg, rib and upper portion of right arm.
It is preferable that parents do not directly confront but use
outside resources such as counsellors, mental health personnel, police and
legitimate clergy to determine the level of involvement.
Given the noticeable increase of ritual dabbling and related crimes
in Aotearoa/New Zealand, the challenge is to becomemore knowledgeable about
levels of involvement in the occult or cults. The goals are to prevent youth
suicide and substance abuse through maintaining open lines of communication
with youth. The final goal in understanding the phenomena of dabbling and
potential higher initiation is to prevent the sexual, physical and emotional
abuse of children, adolescents and adults.
Cult Awareness Network News "Dabbling their way to Ritual Crime"
Aug 1989; Detective Robert Simandi USA
Loose Sheet on Juvenile Dabblers
Notes defining some aspects of the occult, religious, and semi-religious
practices relevant to the subject of ritual abuse; Nigel A Marriot July 1991 NZ
Cults and Consequences The definitive Handbook 1989, Commission on
Cults and Missionaries USA Andres R,
Lane J
Ritual Action Group
August '91