The Press
November 25, 1994

Ritual Abuse
Letter to the Editor
by Denise Lorgelly  (Nov 18, 1994)

It would be of interest to know just by what authority does Gaye Davidson condemn as a myth satanic/ritual abuse (November 18)?  While living in Timaru a few years ago, one of our friends was an extremely well-respected minister in the church and he gave us many instances of this loathsome ritual being performed, by people who had actually been present but had since become Christians. They were too afraid to speak publicly of what they had participated in.

Considering there are (or were) 14 covens between Timaru and Oamaru, it hardly takes any imagination to realise these people are not just playing games. Our thoughts and support go out to the parents of the little child alleged to have been treated in this for their courageous stand in the face of so much ridicule and verbal abuse.