The Press
December 1, 1994

Ritual Abuse
Letter to the Editor
by R Keys  (Nov 26, 1994)

Denise Lorgelly (November 25) may possibly hold the key to a breakthrough in the investigation of satanic ritual abuse. A well-respected minister of the Church who has given her many instances of this ritual must be well aware of exactly where the covens are and what they do; more than that, actually knows people who have actually been present.

With many people in the Western world looking for these covens, there will be international interest in the goings-on between Timaru and Oamaru. Government agencies concerned will be most interested in this information, with a view to bringing the perpetrators to trial.

As good Christians, there is no reason for the people who have this information not to now speak out to the proper authorities and have this diabolical practice stamped out. This will exonerate the Lotteries Grants Board which gave Sally Denley, secretary of the End Ritual Abuse Society, $1300 and force Dr Denis Dutton to eat his words.

The Press
December 1, 1994

Ritual Abuse
Letter to the Editor
by N.M. Gillespie  (Nov 29, 1994)

One would have thought that these erstwhile satanist individuals from South Canterbury, reported by Denise Lorgelly (November 25), would have developed sufficient conscience and courage with their new-found Christianity to have reported any ritualistic crimes. Did the "well-respected minister" report any criminal activity?

Has Ms Lorgelly told the authorities about these rituals of which she implies she has detailed knowledge? If she does indeed know of activities which went beyond the familiar, pathetic efforts of attention-seeking graffiti artists who enjoy applying anti-Christ-type slogans to church buildings, then it is her public duty to report them.

A satanic panic in the United States has, for over a decade, produced an epidemic of such allegations, all of which are investigated. The FBI has never found any real evidence or anything of significance.