Peter Ellis Org : Seeking Justice for Peter Ellis
The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

Books         Ç return to index
- Authors

Campbell, Terence                                         Smoke and Mirrors, 1998

Ceci, Stephen J;  Bruck, Maggie                  Jeopardy in the Courtroom, 1995

Ceci, Stephen J;  Hembrooke, Helene        Expert Witnesses in Child Sexual Abuse Cases, 1998

Conway, Martin A. (Editor)                             Cognitive Models of Memory, 1997

Conway, Martin A. (Editor)                             Recovered Memories and False Memories, 1997

Crews, Frederick and his critics                    The Memory Wars, 1995




Campbell, Terence
Smoke and Mirrors, 1998
Devastating effect of false sexual abuse claims


From Kirkus Reviews , September 1, 1998
A psychologist castigates his own profession for its role in false sexual abuse claims that have put innocent people behind bars, ruined families, and damaged patients in therapy. Campbell, a member of the Professional and Scientific Advisory Board of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, has previously published portions of the present work in a number of peer-reviewed journals. Here, he first examines the role of anxious parents, ill-informed health-care professionals, and overzealous prosecutors in legal cases involving false allegations of sexual abuse. He describes numerous disturbing cases, some that have been well publicized and others that have not, to reveal the error-prone procedures for assessing child abuse and the way in which play therapy for children can dramatically alter their memories. Next, he looks closely at the practice of recovered memory therapy, in which therapists persuade adult clients that their troubles originated in childhood sexual abuse, memories of which they have repressed. Campbell contends that recovered memory therapists, who may be doctoral-level psychologists, not just marginally trained practitioners, are bringing discredit to psychotherapy with their use of the blame-and-change approach (clients in therapy must blame family members in order to change themselves) and their persistence in clinging to misinformed theories about memory and repression. Campbell, who cites studies showing that therapists rely much more on subjective impressions than on scientific research, charges that within the American Psychological Association and other member organizations, political correctness and marketing concerns prevail over ethical responsibility and accuracy of information. In his final chapter, Campbell outlines the changes that he thinks psychotherapy must make, the likelihood of which he finds remote. A hard-hitting indictment - full of appalling human stories, impressive research, tough language, and charges that demand a response. -- Copyright ©1998, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.

Smoke and Mirrors: The Devastating Effect of False Sexual Abuse Claims is an uncompromising examination of how false allegations originate, gather momentum, and too often culminate by ripping apart the lives of innocent people. Dr. Terence Campbell, a nationally recognized authority in the area of forensic psychology, passionately debates how false allegations of sexual abuse can occur anywhere to anyone.


Ceci, Stephen J.;  Bruck, Maggie
Jeopardy in the Courtroom, 1995
A scientific analysis of children's testimony


This comprehensive resource helps the reader evaluate and understand children's statements in the courtroom. Noting that in many instances testimony is elicited from children using questionable techniques that may be damaging to both defendant and accused, Ceci and Bruck describe procedures that will ensure that interviews and analysis are conducted in a sensitive and professional manager.

The credibility of children's testimony is a highly debated topic in America's courtrooms, universities, and living rooms. Does the ingenuousness of children assure that their testimony will always be truthful?  Or are children easily misled by overzealous investigators and therapists into making untrue allegations? Stephen J. Ceci and Maggie Bruck contend that the truth falls somewhere between these extremes. Using case studies ranging from the Salem Witch Hunt to the Little Rascals Day Care case to illustrate their argument, Jeopardy in the Courtroom draws from the vast corpus of scientific research to clarify what is most relevant for evaluating and understanding children's statements made in the legal arena.


Ceci, Stephen J.;  Hembrooke, Helene (Editors)
Expert Witnesses in Child Sexual Abuse Cases, 1998
What can and should be said in court


Conway, Martin A. (Editor)
Cognitive Models of Memory, 1997
Studies in cognition series


Conway, Martin A. (Editor)
Recovered Memories and False Memories, 1997
Debates in psychology


Crews, Frederick and his critics
The Memory Wars, 1995
Freud's legacy in dispute

This volume collects Frederick Crews's two controversial essays on Freud from the New York Review of Books, "The Unknown Freud" and "The Revenge of the Repressed," as well as some of the critical letters provoked by their original publication in 1993 and 1994. In these essays, Crews elaborates upon his belief that "the relatively patent and vulgar pseudoscience of recovered memory rests in appreciable measure on the respectable and entrenched pseudoscience of psychoanalysis." Recovered memory therapy, according to his thesis, is a grossly negative practice that, in turn, has its origins in Freudian assumptions about psychoanalysis--assumptions that Crews charges were based on fraudulent data and intellectual bullying. As the reader responses indicate, these ideas were like a grenade tossed into the center of psychoanalytic culture, made all the more powerful by Crews's lively prose.

In November of 1993, the New York Review published the first of two tenaciously argued essays by Frederick Crews, author of Out of My System: Psychoanalysis, Ideology, and Critical Method. This is Crews' resounding critique of Freudian theory and the recovered memory movement, with the spirited exchange of letters it provoked and a new introduction by the author.

The author's critique of Freudian psychoanalyis and the "recovered memory" movement, first published in 1993 in The New York Review of Books to a storm of controversy, is presented along with twenty-five responses. IP.

Booknews, Inc. , February 1, 1996
Contains two essays by Frederick Crews attacking Freudian psychoanalysis and the recovered memory movement, along with a selection of the many fascinating, scholarly responses to the essays, all of which appeared in The New York Review of Books in 1993 and 1994.