Peter Ellis Org : Seeking Justice for Peter Ellis
The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

Books         Ç return to index
- Authors

Foster Kenneth R, Huber, Peter W            Judging Science, 1997

Freyd, Pamela;  Goldstein, Eleanor          Smiling Through Tears, 1998




Foster Kenneth R, Huber, Peter W
Judging Science, 1997
Scientific knowledge and the federal courts


The publisher, The MIT Press, , February 24, 1999
An interesting look at science in the courtroom.
What is "scientific knowledge" and when is it reliable? These deceptively simple questions have been the source of endless controversy. In 1993 the Supreme Court handed down a landmark ruling on the use of scientific evidence in federal courts. Federal judges may admit expert scientific evidence only if it merits the label "scientific knowledge." The testimony must be scientifically "reliable" and "valid."

This book is organized around the criteria set out in the 1993 ruling. Following a general overview, the authors look at issues of fit- whether a plausible theory relates specific facts to the larger factual issues in contention; philosophical concepts such as the falsifiability of scientific claims; scientific error; reliability in science, particularly in fields such as epidemiology and toxicology; the meaning of 'scientific validity"; peer review and the problem of boundary setting; and the risks of confusion and prejudice when presenting science to a jury.

The book's conclusion attempts to reconcile the law's need for workable rules of evidence with the views of scientific validity and reliability that emerg from science and other disciplines.

Kenneth R. Foster is Associate Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania. Peter W. Huber is Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute.

"In their book, Kenneth Foster and Peter Huber attempt to explain those odd sources cited in the majority opinion, to educate lawyers about basic scientific thinking, and to give lawyers a context for the factors suggested by the Court's 'general observation'...Remarkably free of jargon of either profession, JUDGING SCIENCE offers a valuable way to think about science and its use in the courtroom."

"This directed towards and merits serious consideration by those who present opinion for the courts and those who appear in Court. The examples are wel chosen and very carefully discussed and dissected. Irrespective of the differences between the United States law and the law in the United Kingdom many of the conclusions reached by the authors are universally applicable. In addition, in view of the current attention being given to the falsification of scientific data, those who review original papers for leading journals would obtain much benefit from a careful study of this book."
- HF Woods


Freyd, Pamela;  Goldstein, Eleanor
Smiling Through Tears, 1998


--Elizabeth Loftus, Ph.D., Author of The Myth of Repressed Memories.
Dozens of books have been written on the false memory problem that arises after vulnerable patients undergo suggestive therapy. But none is quite as charming as Smiling Through Tears. By skillfully interweaving professional cartoons with valuable information about the repressed memory controversy, therapy gone crazy and the power of suggestion, Freyd and Goldstein educate readers about one of the major problems in contemporary society. It's a must read not only for families which have been affected, but also for therapists, their patients; for educators and their students; and for people who care about people.

From the Author
Tens of thousands of families have been torn asunder by false accusations that have emerged from regression therapy. Adult children have come to believe they were abused by parents they once loved and respected. It appears that they have acquired false memories.

We hope to enlighten the general public about the abuses taking place in our society because science and justice are being abandoned in the face of hysteria and illogic. We also hope that after reading this book, which includes about 125 cartoons, afflicted families will come to understand that this social phenomenon has reached public conciousness. With awareness, solutions will be forthcoming.