Peter Ellis Org : Seeking Justice for Peter Ellis
The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

Books         Ç return to index
- Authors

Kelley, Charles, R                                           Now I Remember, 1994

Knapp, Samuel;  VanderCreek, Leon         Treating Patients with Memories of Abuse, 1997

Kotre, John                                                       White Gloves, 1996         



Kelley, Charles, R
Now I Remember, 1994
Recovered memories of sexual abuse


Knapp, Samuel;  VanderCreek, Leon
Treating Patients with Memories of Abuse, 1997
Legal Risk Management


This volume advises practitioners on therapeutic strategies and interventions that help to heal these vulnerable patients while minimizing the risk of ethical and legal violations. According to the authors of this volume, ethical therapy is effective therapy. Patients claiming childhood sexual abuse are among the most traumatized of any practitioner's clients, and psychotherapists working with these patients face unique challenges. Some patients are conflicted about what to believe or how to interpret their memories. This volume begins with a presentation of the current knowledge base about memory and the accuracy of recovered memories. The authors then provide a review of ethical and legal challenges that have been made against psychotherapists - both by patients and by the parents of patients - because therapists need to be aware of the types of charges that may be made against them. The volume also analyzes methods currently in use by therapists to aid in memory retrieval (e.g., body work, guided imagery) and comments on the extent to which these techniques place therapists at risk for ethical or legal challenges. Therapeutic techniques that have been shown to be both therapeutically sound and ethically acceptable are highlighted throughout. The authors also provide straightforward advice on documentation, language for note-taking, and consultation and supervision practices. Written in easy-to-read nonlegalese, this volume is essential reading for any practicing psychologists, social worker, or psychiatrist who works with patients struggling with recovered memories of abuse.


Kotre, John
White Gloves, 1996           
How we create ourselves through memory


From Booklist, June 1, 1995
Kotre examines in brief and nontechnical terms a variety of memory mechanisms ranging from research findings on neural pathways and specialized memory cells to speculations on repression, age regression, and past lives. He uses simple concepts to explain such phenomena as deja vu and to challenge unfounded beliefs. For example, to refute the idea that everything that happens to an individual is stored in one's memory and is potentially accessible, he points out that remembering where we parked at the mall is facilitated by forgetting where we parked on previous trips. He further shows that what we believe we accurately remember often has been reconstructed, as when an event that initially evoked fear and anger is later recalled as a hilarious adventure. Kotre also discusses infantile amnesia, memory maturation from the generic to the thematic in the young and adolescent, and autobiographic and memory changes in the second half of life, particularly in late adulthood. Brenda Grazis  Copyright© 1995, American Library Association.

A detailed examination of the properties of human memory argues that memory is a complex, changing process with which individuals can rewrite personal histories and explains how the same memory can be different for many people.

Shedding new light on traditional concepts of personal memory, a revealing study shows that it is not necessarily fixed and unchanging, and examines repressed memory, memory of dreams, photographic memory, childhood memories, and the significance of memories.

Reader, New York
Eloquent evocation of memory and its tasks, embedded in life

As the discipline of psychology struggles to emerge from its artifice-inducingdecades of behaviorism, memory research does much of the heavy lifting-- uniting laboratory rigor, theoretical sophistication, and humane concerns with "qualitative" field work (that is, talking to real people in ordinary ways). "White Gloves" presents the state of the art quite well, in a literate, well-crafted style that sounds like one very smart and wise person talking to others. The book sets current work on memory in the context of the author's life, and the lives of many famous (and less famous) characters from the professional literature.

For those who want an academic tone to their books on current science, this is the wrong book--try Daniel Schacter's "Searching for Memory." For those who find the close logic of (even the best) academic writing trying, but who would like to know the state of the art, "White Gloves" is a fine, moving choice.