The Dominion Post
May 21 2004

Total lack of understanding
Letter to the Editor
by Barbara MacDonald, Raumati Beach

The Alan Woodcock case (May 18-19) is the latest in a serious of shocking revelations about the Catholic Church and its appalling history of not dealing with child abuse in its own ranks.

Is this the church that preached purity, chastity and innocence above all else? The church that pursued a hard line against sex outside marriage? The same church that portrayed St Maria Goretti, a 12-year-old Italian girl who chose death rather than dishonour, as an idealised example of young womanhood?

As we listen to church leaders fumbling with words, dissembling and generally trying to cover their tracks and dismiss their responsibilities, it seems hard to believe we could once have been so influenced by a religion that has actively colluded in keeping paedophiles and sadists in regular contact with the young men and women in its pastoral care.

The posturings and mumblings of the defenders of the faith exhibit a lack of understanding of its crimes against young children -- active and passive. It's immoral humbuggery; nothing more.