Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Church and Institutions

News Reports 2004

The Dominion Post
May 29 2004

Church has the odd sinner
Letter to The Editor
by Shon Yde,

As a devout Catholic, I am replying to correspondent S R Hammond (Letters, May 25).

The Catholic Church is a universal family and, like all families, has the odd sinner. When you add up all the priests, monks, brothers and nuns, you will find the proportion of sexual offenders very small indeed.

The teachings of Jesus, the love of the Holy Spirit and the omnipotent God the father are the reasons Catholics number more than one billion worldwide.

I do not regret the money paid to sexual abuse victims. I would regret it if they were not compensated.

Leaders of all large organisations can be compared to politicians. It depends on your perspective as to whether this is favourable or unfavourable.