The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

1992 Documents

ACC claims for crèche case:
Documents from Christchurch City Council and ACC

This page last updated Feb 13 2005

1992-0914 - David Hutton (ACC)
Letter from       David Hutton, ACC
To:                   Martin Maguire, Christchurch City Council
Date:                September 14 1992
Subject            ACC Claims Arising from the Civic Childcare Centre

This is a response to your facsimile of 11 September 1992 and confirmation of my telephone call to Martin Maguire. ACC operates a no fault insurance scheme which provides cover to those who have suffered an injury by accident. The legislation includes certain sexual abuse crimes within the definition of injuries which are covered by the scheme.

1992-0911 - John Gray (Christchurch City Council)
Fax from          John Gray, Christchurch City Manager
To:                   David Hutton, ACC
Date:                September 11 1992
Subject            ACC claims relevant to Civic Childcare Centre

Martin Maguire (Senior Community Development Adviser) of our staff has recently been in discussion with several parents who wished to make claims on the Corporation in relation to the Civic Childcare inquiry.  These claims relate to time off their paid work to attend interviews, court proceedings and briefings….

1992-0909 - Martin Maguire (Christchurch City Council)
Memo from      Martin Maguire, Senior Community Development Adviser
To:                   John Gray, City Manager
Date:                September 9 1992
Subject            ACC claims relevant to Civic Child Care Centre

I have had discussions recently with several parents who wish to make claims with the Accident Compensation Corporation in relation to the Civic Child Care inquiry. In particular parents wish to make claims in respect of time off their paid work to attend interviews/court proceedings and briefings….