The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

1992 Documents

Evidence of the role of "Satanic Ritual Abuse"

This page last updated May 31 2005
May 31 2005

They said it wasn't a Satanic Ritual Abuse case

But somebody obviously thought it was going to be.

The photo below was found in a letter tray in Gay Davidson's office. It was taken the day the Crèche was closed (September 3 1992)

It is a police photo.  It was never given to the defence. It was never shown to the court/jury.   The photo has been in the custody of Crown Law/Ministry of Justice and was obtained from them 18 months ago.

Working with Children Exposed to Ritual Abuse
Click on photo for full size version

Photo September 3 1992
The page is an extract from
"Breaking the Circle of Satanic Ritual Abuse"
by Daniel Ryder

An enlargement showing that Annie Birmingham was the source of the document
Annotation, written in blue:
"Borrowed from Annie Birmingham"  "Pse Return"

Reprint of "Working with Children Exposed to Ritual Abuse" by Daniel Ryder as shown in the photo

§         pdf format   (280 kB)

§         htm format   (33 kB)


Ryder's document makes extensive reference to Pamela Hudson and her book "Ritual Child Abuse".  and states it provides extensive details on techniques for working with children who have been exposed to ritual abuse
Pamela Hudson - "Ritual Child Abuse"

Pamela Hudson's work was a particularly important source of "indicators" of satanic stigmata. She was invited to Christchurch in 1993 by the Campbell Centre (Presbyterian Support Services), whose Director in 1992 -- Rosemary Smart -- had written a damning report on the Civic Creche which assumed that Ellis was guilty; this was a year before his trial.

Other reading material on the Satanic Ritual Abuse panic relating to the Crèche case, providing further evidence of how SRA concerns affected the Ellis investigations  -  This site - The NZ Ritual Abuse Panic

1993-1123 - The Press - Skeptics predict Satan hunt
The group's head, Ms Vicki Hyde, said yesterday that after the visit to Christchurch last week of an American satanic abuse expert, Ms Pamela Hudson, social workers and parents would be hunting for "symptoms" of satanic abuse. Ms Hudson's booklet, "Ritual Child Abuse", claims nightmares, temper tantrums, and separation anxieties are symptoms of sexual abuse

1995-0331 - The Press - Some Issues an inquiry could examine
by Professor Michael Hill - The satanic ritual abuse (SRA) scenario which played such a central role in the police investigation was introduced to New Zealand counsellors and therapists by American Pamela Klein in May 1990. Klein was very much the evangelist. ……Pamela Klein was only the first in a succession of true believers in the SRA scenario to be brought to New Zealand. Others included Pamela Hudson — a Californian social worker who wrote books and articles on SRA which has provided a "script" for subsequent investigators and believers. She was invited to Christchurch by the Campbell Centre in late 1993

1999-0330 - Dominion - I am not a guilty man
by Alan Samson - Reviews Professor Michael Hill's paper on Satanic abuse, and the hysteria in New Zealand - including the influence of Michelle Smith (1980); the McMartin case and Kee MacFarlane; (1980s); Roland Summit; David Finkelhor; Astrid HEger; Pamela Klein and Pamela Hudson.