NZ Police
Gregory W Heath, ( Greg Heath )
Detective Sergeant

22 February 1994

Mr W H Wealleans

Dear Mr Wealleans


Your request to the Christchurch City Council concerning the Civic Child Care Centre case has been transferred to the Police by the Council. Your request deals with a report prepared by Rosemary Smart of the Campbell Centre and you request information concerning the report and its compilation.  I have attempted to answer your requests chronologically as follows:

a             "Copies of Ms Smart's draft notes."

Police at no stage had possession of any draft notes relating to Ms Smart's report other, than brief notes she made concerning the interview of the Civic Creche staff.

b            "Copies of any information or material that went before the final copy, including any drafts of the final report."

The Police received a copy of the final report along with copies of notes made by Ms Smart during her interview of the Civic Creche workers.   No other information concerning the report was received by the Police.

c             "Who has possession of the material that was collected from other organisations she consulted in the preparation of her report?"

The Police have no knowledge of who would hold the material collected by Ms Smart.

d            "Copies of all material collected from the people/organisations mentioned on page 2 of the report."

The Police have no knowledge of who would hold the material collected by Ms Smart.

e             "Notes, correspondence and any other material that was used to make up the reports."

The Police have no knowledge of who would hold the material collected by Ms Smart.

f             "A meeting was held on 7 September 1992 between the secretary of the Southern Local Government Offices Union, Mr Peter Lawson, and senior Police officers concerning the Civic Creche Child Care Centre. The Location of the meeting and copies of any minutes and notes of the meeting are requested."

This meeting occurred in the offices of Detective Superintendent Stokes and was attended by Mr Stokes and Detective Inspector Pearce. No notes or minutes of that meeting were made.

g            "Did any of the Police authorise Rosemary Smart in the preparation of her July 1992 report to have access to statements made by the staff of the Civic Child Creche Centre?"

This question will be answered in full in the reply to your request dated 4 February 1994.

h            "Is it normal practice for such access to be provided to other persons? Are there any guidelines relating to this?"

This question will be answered in full in the reply to your request dated 4 February 1994.

i             "Is Mr Brian Francis O'Brien presently or formally employed by the Police Department? What is his position?"

Mr B F O'BRIEN, to my knowledge, has never been employed in any capacity by the New Zealand Police.

If you are dissatisfied with the answers to your questions, you can request a review if you write to the District Commander, Christchurch Central Police Station, Box 2109, Christchurch.

Yours faithfully

G W Heath
Detective Sergeant

Search Terms: Greg Heath, Gregory Heath, Rosemary Smart, Campbell Centre, Peter Lawson, Detective Superintendent Stokes, Detective Inspector Brian Pearce, Civic Child Care Centre, Civic Creche