Lynley Hood
PO Box 2041
South Dunedin

Broadcasting Standards Complaint
Edwards at Large - 16 August 2003

[Appendix 2]

Viewers Comments on Edwards at Large - 16 August 2003

Keith Harrison, Otago Daily Times television reviewer (ODT 19 Aug 03):

“Edwards was openly partisan and engaged in a very slick denigration of Hood’s book, her methods and her research. His robust defence of maintaining the status quo was cleverly administered, picking on aspects of her argument which were easily ridiculed and giving her, a thoughtful woman careful in her choice of words, less than adequate time to reply. It was, in essence, a clever piece of spin doctoring which underlined the determination of the Minister of Justice and Cabinet to take no action. Edwards final interview with Act MP Rodney Hide was totally different. He dropped the hectoring, sneering tone...”

Comments on nz.general & nz.politics (16-24 Aug 03):

“After watching the Prime Minister's poisonous "media adviser" trying to unsettle the superior Lynley Hood in his "pedestrian harassment, suggestive comment and light chat" TV programme, this writer sat down and penned the following epistle.....
Dear Dr Edwards,
After your zealously playing devil's advocate in your interview with Lynley Hood tonight, will you now  have the inert Minister of Justice, Mr Goff, on your programme as well?  And will you be as hostile toward him as you were to Ms Hood?”

“Managed to watch the appallingly bad "Edwards at Large" show for the first time last night, and even tho I expected it to be bad, I was still surprised at how low standards have fallen at TVNZ... As for his attempted hatchet job on Linley Hood, it made me wonder if Phil Goff had written the script. Not caring about any of the more substantial aspects of the case, Edwards rabbited embarrassingly on about
Christchurch being "flat", in what looked to me like a strategy aimed primarily at denting Hood's credibility. And what a contrast in respect of the "Maori" artist who came on next. I turned the sound down to avoid vomiting on my carpet... Of course Rod Hide sliced Edwards up into little pieces and brought the host's previous bullying of Linley Hood into sharper relief.”

“Edwards need to go.  Quickly. (And not just for his appalling interview with Hood)”

“I agree. I was appalled at Edwards treatment of Linly Hood. I actually only watched it to see the joust between Edwards and Hide. It is not hard for an experienced interviewer to rattle an interviewee who is not used to speaking on television. Interestingly I took Edward's book out of the library recently on what to do if you are asked for an interview by the media. I can only say he should have read his own book before the Hood interview. Edwards correctly pointed out in his book that there are two types of interview, one where the interviewer is trying to solicit information and one where the interviewer is pushing his/her own ego by demolishing interviewees. He appears to have fallen for his own ego trap Hide was right when he said the public might have a perception of favouritism in granting public money to a man who is close to the prime minister and other ministers.”

“Liny Wood might not have TV experience, and probably didn't expect to be attacked over every little detail, but it's clear that the only one that made a fool of themselves during the interview was Edwards himself.  From the posts here about it, it's obvious that most people feel the same.”

“Edwards wanted Linly Hood to admit on national TV that she didn't know a thing about what Ellis did.  He kept trying to push her completely away from her own findings and beliefs about the case ... at least most of the country doesn't think much of the fool after last night's pathetic performance.”

“Agree 100%  It's a pity Linley Hood is such a nice person she does know how to deal to him...His stupid comment "You were not at the trials so you can't investigate it" really riles me. Cops are not normally at the scene of a murder, so can't investigate it??? Air accident investigators are never at the scene of the crash, so can't investigate it??? What an Irish prat.”

“His attempts to show hood up as biased backfired, and instead made him look biased, maybe he had  been put up to this?”