The Peter Ellis web site

The Christchurch Civic Creche case; Seeking justice for Peter Ellis; Allegations of Sexual Abuse;  Moral Panic - Child Sexual Abuse; False Allegations of Abuse ; The New Zealand ACC Scheme; NZ Justice Issues; Satanic Ritual Abuse; Police Rape Inquiry; Abuse allegations in Churches and Institutions

Peter Ellis Home Page

Latest changes and additions

Peter Ellis News Reports - 2007   

Peter Ellis News Reports - 2008   

Recent Updates:

January 19 2008:
Peter Ellis case; December 2007 reports
Referring to Law Journal article by Ross Francis and subsequent concerns; Innocence Project Conference and research by Otago University showing that the interviews in the Ellis case were not in fact of a satisfactory standard, but actually worse than occurred in a case which has been accepted as an example of bad practice
Peter Ellis News Reports: 2007    (22 files)






July 26 2006:
Cops clear themselves in wrongful conviction case;
Three girls
wrongly imprisoned as a result of police botch up give up fight
for appropriate compensation 
Police Incompetence; 3 girls wrongly imprisoned    (2 files)

The willingness of the Police to clear themselves of this botchup gives the New Zealand no confidence that the Police are capable of investigating themselves for professional incompetence.  

The news reports on these pages tell a different story that one would have expected a trainee police officer to easily comprehend.

There are remarkable parallels to the way the police exonerated the key police investigators in the Peter Ellis case. Indeed, in 2006, one of the Ellis case investigators has been amazingly promoted to Commissioner of Police. Perhaps Franklin will be so rewarded in years to come.

The NZ Government have also been able to treat the three girls shabbily with regard to compensation because they are young and Maori, and their case has been publicised in a relatively low profile manner by the media.




Latest on the Ellis case:
January:           Grounds for Appeal discussed by media, law journals;
Attempt to discredit Lynley Hood over her qualifications
Peter Ellis is briefly ill
Lawyer, Ablett-Kerr briefly considers entering politics
May:                 Review of case by Anthony Frith
May:                 Evidence law changes question safety of Ellis verdict
July                  National pledges an inquiry into case
August             Justice and Electoral Committee report on petition
September       Law and order issues for election
September       Radio NZ ordered to apologise to Peter Ellis;
January:           Sir Thomas Thorp refers to miscarriages of justice;
February          Miscarriages of Justice conference with reference to Ellis
April                 Australian judge refuses extradition - men would not be guaranteed a fair trial in NZ
April                 Peter Ellis applies for leave to appeal to Privy Council
September       Debate over lack of male teachers attributed to Ellis case
September       NZEI revises policy on teachers touching school pupils
December         Peter Ellis supporter journalist Frank Haden retires.
December         Don Brash refers to Ellis case in his valedictory speech

January:           "People's pardon" becomes accepted fact;
February          Recommendations to steer clear of academic Freda Briggs
February          Ellis accusers speak out; Receive little sympathy
April                 Early childhood educators turn their back on Ellis
April                 TV Reconstruction of Ellis case with TV jury
May                  David Bain Miscarriage of Justice has implications for Ellis case
June                 Freda Briggs controversy revived
December         Ross Francis publishes Law Journal article exposing the Eichelbaum inquiry a sham
December         Harlene Hayne details research showing interviews in Ellis case were “worse than the worst”
January:           Concerns about case expressed by Don Brash (previous Leader of Opposition) and Sir
                        Thomas Thorp