NZ Police
January 31, 2004, 15:28

Press Release
Commissioner orders review of matters covered by complainant's allegations

Commissioner Rob Robinson has today ordered a full review of matters covered in a Police related story in today’s Dominion Post.

The Commissioner said that the review would cover all the matters raised in the media by the complainant, the prior historical allegations and the inquiries into them.

"While matters have emerged in the media today it became evident to me over the course of the last week that publication of such a story was imminent. I notified the Minister of Police of this prospect and have had discussions with the Police Complaints Authority.

"Further discussions will be held with the Police Complaints Authority early in the new week at which time the Authority can provide his directions to me.

"Meanwhile, Deputy Commissioner Steve Long, will commence work to lead a review and will assemble a team of senior investigators to carry it out.

"These are serious historical allegations which involve not only individual Police members but which potentially call into question the integrity of investigatory work conducted a decade ago.

"I appreciate the concerns that this story has raised in the public’s mind and I will be doing my utmost to provide whatever reassurance I can to maintain the trust and confidence of the community in the integrity of New Zealand Police in 2004.

"Police is one of the few organisations providing a service 24 hours a day every day and the public can have confidence in the service provided by thousands of dedicated men and women throughout the country," said Mr Robinson.

The Commissioner noted that Assistant Commissioner Rickards was out of his district this weekend and that Command of the Auckland City District rested with Acting Superintendent Gavin Jones. Mr Robinson said the matter of the command of Auckland City District would be looked at again by Monday morning.