One News
January 31, 2004

Dominion Post alleges police rape

The Dominion Post has alleged that three police officers pack-raped a teenager in Rotorua in 1986, and that police failed to deal properly with a complaint about it.

The story, which the newspaper says is the result of a two year investigation, names the three men, one of whom is now a senior police officer.

The story also alleges the woman's complaint was covered up by a detective whom she believes manipulated her to protect his colleagues.

She claims a Police Complaints Authority investigation into the detective's conduct was stymied because she did not want him criticised, and protected him at the time.

The woman says she tried to seek help from another police officer, who did nothing.

She says she did not seek any other help because she did not think she would be believed. The three men accused of rape have denied the allegations.