Mayors Office, Auckland City
February 2, 2004, 16:02

Press Release: Hon. John Banks QSO
No less than a High Court Judge, says Mayor

Auckland City’s Mayor, Hon John Banks, said today in relation to the latest claims being made against police:

“These present matters need to be put behind the Police once and for all and this can only happen if the latest round of investigations are overseen by a High Court Judge.

“The history of the Police investigating their mates is not good. The last thing the public needs is yet another inquiry that is seen to lack credibility.

“I make no judgement about the rights or wrongs of the allegations accept to say they are damaging – very damaging.

“Prior to the story breaking on Saturday, I knew nothing about these matters and to that end I am rather surprised,” said Mr Banks.

Mr Banks was Opposition spokesman for Police from 1987 – 1990 and Minister of Police 1990 – 1993.