Dominion Post
February 21, 2004

Police inquiry terms reveal fourth accused
by Leah Haines

Terms of reference for the commission of inquiry into claims of police pack rape have been announced, revealing a previously secret allegation of sexual abuse by a fourth policeman.

Prime Minister Helen Clark said yesterday that the inquiry would look into the standards and codes of personal behaviour and sexual conduct of police officers.

And it would look specifically at the questions raised by allegations of sexual offending by police.

Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas' allegations that she was pack-raped by Clint Rickards, now assistant commissioner, and former officers Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton sparked the inquiry and brought forward more claims against other officers.

The announcement of the terms of the inquiry has also allowed publication of details concerning a fourth officer charged with sexually assaulting Mrs Nicholas in an unrelated case. That officer was acquitted after two mistrials. Further details of the case are suppressed but questions raised by it will be looked at in the inquiry.

Inquiry heads Dame Margaret Bazley and Justice Bruce Robertson will soon announce the dates and venues where the public can appear at hearings, and outline how others can make submissions.

The inquiry will report to the governor-general by November 1.