NZ Herald
February 21, 2004

Letter campaign against Rickards
by Eugene Bingham and John Andrews

Anonymous letters accusing Assistant Commissioner Clint Rickards of sexual misconduct were faxed around Hamilton when he was appointed Waikato police district commander.

The Herald has learned that the letters and the circumstances in which they were generated are being investigated.

The letters, sent in 1999, were brought to the attention of Commissioner Rob Robinson, but police refused yesterday to say whether the allegations themselves, or the source of the letters, were investigated at the time.

Police spokesman Jon Neilson declined to answer a series of written questions, saying the matters were likely to be of interest to the commission of inquiry, headed by Justice Bruce Robertson and Dame Margaret Bazley, and a separate criminal inquiry.

Louise Nicholas has accused Mr Rickards, Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum of pack-raping her in a Rotorua police house when she was 18 and violating her with a baton, claims they have denied.

Mrs Nicholas has accused another group of officers of sexually interfering with her in Murupara when she was 13 to 15.

The letters about Mr Rickards surfaced not long after he was transferred to the district from Gisborne.

Herald inquiries have established it was the third time in five years the allegations had been raised with Mr Rickards.

Prime Minister Helen Clark yesterday announced the terms of reference for the commission of inquiry. Justice Robertson and Dame Margaret will investigate police conduct, standards and procedures when dealing with sex allegations against police.

They will also investigate police standards and codes relating to personal behaviour, including sexual conduct.

"If the allegations that have been made indicate that there are systemic problems, they will be identified and dealt with," said Helen Clark.