NZ Herald
February 28, 2004

Nicholas quizzed daily by police
by Rosaleen MacBrayne

Louise Nicholas is being interviewed almost daily by police re-investigating her historic rape allegations against members of the force.

The police interviews stem from her claim that she was violated with a police baton and pack-raped by three police officers, Clint Rickards, Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton, in 1986.

Police have questioned her over three weeks, since the criminal inquiry was re-opened, and the Rotorua woman expects it to take "ages yet".

"They told me it would take a while - they're not going to leave any stone unturned," Mrs Nicholas said yesterday.

" Her past experience of not having her complaints dealt with thoroughly by the police put her off initially.

"But I know it has to be done."

Mrs Nicholas said detectives sat down with her for "a couple of hours" most mornings and "the same in the afternoon, pretty much".

It was gruelling, she said, but had to be done thoroughly if a case was eventually to go to court.

"The police have been absolutely marvellous. If I am having a hard time, they leave me alone for a bit until I come right."

Mrs Nicholas does not know when the interviews will end, but life went on for her, husband Ross and their three children, aged 14, 12 and 9.

"The rest of the time I go about my business. I milk cows in the morning and at night."

As well as the criminal investigation into Mrs Nicholas' claims of rape and sexual abuse by Rotorua and Murupara police officers when she was young, the Government has ordered a commission of inquiry.