The Dominion Post
March 27, 2004

Rape inquiry will go on, says Robinson

Police Commissioner Rob Robinson has ruled out suspending or dropping any investigation into rape allegations made against police while a commission of inquiry proceeds.

"Police have received a very serious complaint and is the only agency in the country with the statutory powers to conduct such an investigation," Mr Robinson said yesterday.

This follows calls from ACT MP Stephen Franks for police to drop their investigations so a commission of inquiry could take precedence and not be delayed.

The commission was sparked by allegations that Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas was pack-raped in 1986 by former officers Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton, and Clint Rickards, now an assistant commissioner. The men have said the sex was consensual and have denied rape.

Police files on inquiries into the rape allegations cannot be released till the investigation is completed. The commission of inquiry said this week that this, and Police Complaints Authority secrecy provisions, could delay the inquiry.