The Dominion Post
April 1, 2004

Submissions open for police bill

The public are being asked for thoughts on the Police Complaints Authority (Commission of Inquiry into Police Conduct) Amendment Bill.

The bill changes the Police Complaints Authority Act 1988.

It allows the Commission of Inquiry into Police Conduct to fulfil its terms of reference to look into the adequacy of investigations carried out by police on behalf of the Police Complaints Authority into allegations of sexual assault by police and their associates.

The bill amends the secrecy provisions of the act so the commission of inquiry is not prevented from getting all of the information it needs.

It would throw open thousands of files witnesses were previously assured would be kept secret.

The commission of inquiry was launched after allegations by Louise Nicholas that she was raped in 1986 by two former officers, Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton, and Auckland police commander, Assistant Commissioner Clint Rickards. They deny the allegations and say that sex with Ms Nicholas was consensual.

The closing date for public submissions on the bill is April 14 and the date for reporting the bill to the House is May 3.