One News
April 3, 2004

Powell faces rape allegations

Another of New Zealand's top police officers is facing an allegation of rape.

Waikato district commander Kelvin Powell was stood down two months ago, but at the time police refused to say why.

Now it has come to light that a former policewoman claims he raped her during the 1980's.

The former constable claims she was raped by Powell at a birthday party, but says she didn't lay a complaint at the time for fear it would ruin her career.

Superintendent Powell, who was due to head to Athens in August as security chief for New Zealand's Olympic games team, denies the allegations.

Powell was stood down in February as police widened their investigation into historic claims of sexual abuse within the police force.

Assistant police commissioner Clint Rickards, and former officers Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum are currently being investigated by the police and an independent commission of inquiry for the alleged rape of Rotorua housewife Louise Nicholas in 1986.

All three men in the Nicholas case deny the claims.

Superintendent Nick Perry who is leading the 20 strong police investigation, has so far declined to comment about the latest case.