Otago Daily Times
April 6, 2004
Rape claim help plan

Wellington: The Government is considering ways to assist women who have complained of being raped by police when the allegations are investigated by the Commission of Inquiry.

Prime Minister Helen Clark said yesterday there had been approaches about help.

"We think it is desirable they are assisted with representation. We are currently considering what the best way of achieving that is," she said at her post-cabinet press conference.

"In principle, it is important that people whose complaints have in effect sparked an inquiry are assisted with representation."

The Government set up the inquiry to investigate historic allegations raised by Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas, who says she was raped in a police house in Rotorua in the late 1980s.

Two other women have made similar claims which are also expected to be investigated.

The inquiry is being carried out by High Court Judge Bruce Robertson and former senior public servant Dame Margaret Bazley.