The Dominion Post
April 17, 2004

Rape commission rulings

The commission of inquiry into historic rape allegations against police has turned down a request to deal only with illegal sexual conduct.

The commission had been asked by Police Association lawyer Susan Hughes to limit itself to criminal sexual behaviour, and not examine matters that were lawful but morally questionable unless they impacted on an officer's ability to do their job.

The commission -- headed by Justice Bruce Robertson -- was launched after allegations by Louise Nicholas that three police officers pack-raped her in 1986, when she was 18. Two, Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton, have since left the police and the third, Clint Rickards, now Auckland commander and an assistant commissioner, has been stood down on full pay.

The men have said the sex was consensual and have denied rape.

In a ruling issued last night, the commission said it had no wish for an inquiry into police morality. However, it would examine non-criminal sexual behaviour if there was a link with the standards expected of police.

The commission also said it would hear complaints from January 1, 1979, to the present day, and not restrict the time frame to before February 18 this year, when the commission was created.