Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Index

From April 2005


April 6 2005

Public meeting over police conduct inquiry

The Commission of Inquiry into Police Conduct has called a public meeting on how it can pursue its brief while criminal prosecutions are under way.

It will be held at the Wellington District Court building on April 22 and will consider submissions, which must be filed in writing by April 15.

Prime Minister Helen Clark announced the Commission of Inquiry in February 2004.

It stemmed from allegations made by Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas, who claimed she was pack-raped and violated with a police baton as a young woman in 1986.

She named assistant police commissioner Clint Rickards and former police officers Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton as the three men involved, although they have all vehemently denied the allegations.

Mrs Nicholas complained to Rotorua police station in 1993 about the alleged rape, but later said she was advised by CIB chief John Dewar not to make a written complaint.

In 1995, a Police Complaints Authority (PCA) investigation into Mr Dewar's handling of the complaint found the failure to record and investigate the allegations showed a gross lack of judgment and competence - which he denies.

Shipton, 46, of Tauranga, and Schollum, 52, of Napier, have been remanded on bail for a pre-depositions hearing in Rotorua on April 15, when suspended Rickards, of Auckland, is also due to appear.

The media has been barred from revealing any details about the historic charges the men face