Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Index

From April 2005


The Press
June 20 2005

No charges over alleged rape
by Jarrod Booker

No charges will be laid against a police officer accused of raping a Christchurch woman 18 years ago.

An investigation was launched into the allegation against the Bay of Plenty officer after former prostitute Niki Koster made the rape complaint last year.

She complained to police after Louise Nicholas went public with allegations she was pack-raped and violated with a baton by three police officers in Rotorua in 1986.

Koster told The Press she was raped after drinking with officers in Rotorua on the night in 1987. She claimed she was taken to a Rotorua house to sleep off a night of heavy drinking and woke to find an officer having sex with her. Too drunk and scared to fight him off, her pleas for him to stop went unheeded, she claimed.

"I suppressed it for a lot of years and now I want to talk about it. I feel I have a story. You don't know who you can trust – even if they have got a uniform on," she said. "The Rotorua police was like a gang. Just the way they acted. It was quite scary."

Koster was working at a massage parlour in Mount Maunganui, Chances R, in 1987 when the alleged incident happened. She had earlier been arrested and charged for possession of cannabis.

Bay of Plenty police District Commander Gary Smith said the investigation into Koster's claim had been completed and no charges laid. The officer concerned, who remains in the police, was interviewed as part of the investigation.

"The Crown solicitor at Christchurch reviewed the investigation and recommended that no charges be brought. Crown Law in Wellington ... concurred with (the recommendation)," he said.