Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

From April 2005


The Dominion Post
July 27 2005

'I thought I could trust him'

Louise Nicholas

Giving Evidence: A court heard a 32-page statement from Louise Nicholas yesterday as three men were committed to stand trial over pack-rape charges from 20 years ago.
Photo by Kent Blechynden/Dominion Post

Twenty years after Louise Nicholas says she was pack-raped by three policemen, a court has heard the full extent of her alleged ordeal. Parts of her evidence are still subject to suppression orders.

Louise Nicholas remembers the terror and helplessness she felt when confronted by three policemen -- including one she trusted as a family friend -- who decided they wanted to have sex with her.

In a 32-page written statement to a depositions hearing the Rotorua woman said that as a small, thin 18-year-old in 1985 and 1986 she felt powerless to refuse three big men -- Clint Rickards, Brad Shipton, and Bob Schollum -- with the weight of the law seemingly behind them.

In an evidence statement presented to the court Mrs Nicholas said she had known Schollum from when she was a child in Murupara and he was stationed there -- "I used to babysit his children" -- and thought she could trust him.

She met Rickards and Shipton for the first time late in 1985 when her indoor cricket team was invited to the Rotorua police club.

The contact had been made through Trevor Clayton, a policeman stationed at Murupara who was a friend of Mrs Nicholas' brother, Peter Crawford.

Mrs Nicholas, who was small and weighed 47 kilograms at the time, said she was "very intimidated" by Shipton and Rickards. Shipton, in particular, was "overpowering and seemed to be Rickards' back-up man".

They both arrived unannounced at her Corlett St flat one day, Mrs Nicholas said. "I had not invited them ... I can't recall who brought them around. It could've been Schollum. He knew where I lived.

"He called around a number of times to visit me ... for a coffee."

After that first visit, Shipton and Rickards started coming to her home uninvited for one reason only -- sex.

They would only come during weekdays and always seemed to know when she was home alone, Mrs Nicholas said.

"I told them I didn't want to have sex with them but it didn't seem to make any difference. Neither of them took any notice of what I said. I couldn't stop them physically because they were both so big and intimidating. They didn't use physical force. They just made me do what they wanted."

While one had intercourse with her, the other would make her perform oral sex. "Each time they came to the house my heart would stop as I knew what they wanted. On one occasion I told them I was having my period but it didn't make any difference."

While Rickards always came to the house with Shipton, the latter came there by himself "once or twice" for sex. Mrs Nicholas believed the pair came to her home between six and 12 times between September 1985 and December 1986.

One day in January 1986, she was walking home from work when Schollum offered to give her a lift home. She told him she was happy to walk but, when he insisted, she agreed. "I had not had much contact (with Schollum) for some time and didn't see him as a threat."

But instead of taking her home, Schollum took her to Shipton's Rutland St property. There she saw Rickards and Shipton sitting on the balcony, drinking beer.

"I had grave reservations about getting out of the vehicle. I did not want to go into the house. Schollum said to me, `It'll be all right. We won't be long, you'll be all right.' "

She went into the kitchen with Schollum. Another man, who has never been identified, aged in his late 30s or early 40s, was there. After refusing a drink, Mrs Nicholas was led by Shipton into a bedroom.

"I said to Schollum and Shipton I did not want to do this. I knew there was going to be group sex again. I was scared and there also a fourth man there."

Mrs Nicholas resisted the pair's efforts to undress her, to no avail. Despite her protests, Schollum started having sex with her. As this was happening Rickards forced her to perform oral sex on him.

Shipton then had sex with her as Schollum made her perform oral sex on him. Finally, Rickards had sex with her. While all this was happening the fourth man stood in the doorway watching.

Schollum later drove her home, Mrs Nicholas said. "As I was getting out of the car Schollum said, `Sorry Lou.' I didn't say anything. I just walked away without looking at him."

Shipton and Rickards continued to call around to her home after that "as though nothing had happened" and forced her to have sex with them.

"Whenever they visited I would feel numb. I would ask them nicely not to do these things to me. I was pathetically polite. I was like a little girl hoping they would stop. I never gave consent ... they just took me for granted. I went along with what they wanted because they were policemen.

"I felt I had no way of stopping them and there was nothing I could do ... the fact that they were policemen scared the living daylights out of me ... "I had the fear in my mind if I did not comply with their demands they had the power to put me away. I was frightened ... I did not tell anyone else what was happening to me."