Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

Page 12 - Trial Week 1 2006


NZ Herald
March 11 2006;  13:00

Top policeman to face court on rape charges

One of the country's top policemen will stand in the dock at the High Court in Auckland on Monday and tell a jury he is not a rapist.

Assistant commissioner Clint Rickards is one of three men accused of numerous sexual abuse charges, including the pack rape of Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas.

Clinton John Tukotahi Rickards, Bradley Keith Shipton and Robert Francis Schollum, have all denied the charges and their trial in the High Court in Auckland has been scheduled for three weeks.

The three face charges of rape, indecent assault and unlawful sexual connection dating back to 1986 when they were working as policemen in Rotorua.

All three have strongly denied the allegations with the lawyer for one saying it was "at best, built on straw".

A suppression order prevents the publication of many details of the case.

The trial will be before New Zealand's chief high court judge, Justice Tony Randerson.