Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

Page 12 - Trial Week 1 2006


One News
March 13 2006

Historic rape charges detailed

Some suppression orders have been lifted in the trial involving one current and two former policeman.

Clinton Rickards, Bradley Shipton and Robert Schollum are accused of a number of historical sex offences against Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas.

At the High Court in Auckland, Justice Randerson lifted suppression orders which prevented the media from previously reporting the number and nature of the charges. 

The three men face a total of 20 charges relating to a period between 1985 and 1986 when the complainant was 18-years-old. They are accused of indecent assault, rape and unlawful sexual connection and the charges include two counts of indecent assault using a baton.

The jury of seven woman and five men was selected on Monday morning. 

Assistant Police Commissioner Rickards appeared in the dock at the High Court in Auckland in his police uniform and pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Shipton and Schollum also deny the claims.

The hearing is set down for three weeks and the Crown has indicated it will be calling more than 40 witnesses.