Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

Page 12 - Trial Week 1 2006


Newstalk ZB
March 14 2006; 05:04

Police rape complainant to have her day in court

Opening arguments are due to be made today in the trial of one of the country's top police officers on historical sex abuse charges.

Suppression orders surrounding the allegations against Assistant Commissioner Clint Rickards and two former police colleagues were lifted yesterday.

Clint Rickards, Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton face 20 charges of abusing Rotorua woman Louise Nicholas, when she was still a teenager.

These include six counts of indecently assaulting her with a police baton. The allegations relate to a period of five months in 1985 and 1986.

Until yesterday the media was not allowed to broadcast or print details of the charges.

Ms Nicholas also claims Rickard and Shipton had sex many times with her against her will in her own home, and that they took her to another house where she was raped by all three men.

She says she did not complain at the time because they were police officers, and she was afraid of them.

After lengthy arguments Justice Randerson lifted most of the suppression orders, meaning Louise Nicholas' evidence to the court can be fully reported.