Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

Page 12 - Trial Week 1 2006


Newstalk ZB
March 14 2006; 14:08

Baton incident did not happen - Defence

Defence lawyers for the three men accused of raping Louise Nicholas and abusing her with the police baton say the incident did not happen.

The trial of Assistant Commissioner Clint Rickards and two former Police colleagues is continuing in Auckland. Rickards (who was not wearing his police uniform in court today) and former policemen Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum face a total of 20 charges.

In their opening statements, the trio's defence lawyers have all said that the incidents Louise Nicholas alleges took place in a Rotorua house in 1986 simply did not occur.

Crown Prosecutor Mark Zarifeh claimed Shipton abused the then-18-year-old complainant twice with a police baton while the others looked on.

Mrs Nicholas is due to take the stand this afternoon in the High Court and will tell the court that when she was a slightly-built teenager in Rotorua, Rickards and Shipton used their physical size to repeatedly intimidate her into having sex with them.

She will also tell the court that at a police house rented by Shipton, that he, Rickards and fellow officer at the time Bob Schollum each raped her and forced her to perform oral sex