Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

Page 12 - Trial Week 1 2006


One News
March 14 2006

Nicholas takes stand in rape trial
Source: RNZ

Louise Nicholas has broken down in tears in the dock while giving testimony about allegedly being raped by three police officers. 

Assistant police commissioner Clinton Rickards, together with two former police officers Bradley Shipton and Bob Schollum, are accused of committing 20 sex offences between 1985 and 1986. They deny the charges of rape, indecent assault and unlawful sexual connection, including the use of a police baton.

The offences are alleged to have taken place when the three accused were working in Rotorua and Nicholas was 18.

Nicholas took the stand on Monday afternoon and spoke of how she was forced to have intercourse and oral sex with Shipton and Rickards between six and 12 times.  She said they would often turn up at her Rotorua flat unannounced, wanting sex.  

Nicholas then went on to describe in emotional detail an incident involving all three men when she was allegedly raped and assaulted with a police baton. 

She broke down in tears as she told the court how her loud pleas for the men to stop were ignored. 

Earlier in his opening address Crown prosecutor Mark Zarifeh told the court that Shipton and Rickards visited Nicholas' flat on several occasions for the purpose of having sex. Zarifeh said Nicholas felt powerless to resist the men as they were police officers and she never consented to any of the sex. 

In a brief opening statement the defence lawyers said the three men admit to having sex with Nicholas on several occasions but that it was always consensual. 

The defence also says that the alleged incident in which Nicholas was assaulted with a police baton never happened, and that the claims made by her are untrue.

Meanwhile, Rickards may face a reprimand for wearing his police uniform in the dock.

Rickards appeared on the first day of the trial in uniform but regulations forbid officers from wearing their uniforms while suspended. A spokesperson for the Police Commissioners Office says Rickards has been sent a letter reminding him of the policy. The issue is an internal disciplinary matter.