Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Police Rape Allegations - Main Index

Page 12 - Trial Week 1 2006


Newstalk ZB
March 15 2006;  14:44

Nicholas "knew she would be raped"

Louise Nicholas says she knew she was going to be raped when she was taken to a police house twenty years ago.

The Rotorua woman is continuing to give evidence at the trial of Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards, and his former police colleagues, Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum, on the historical sex abuse charges.

Mrs Nicholas is being cross examined by John Haigh QC, Clint Rickard's lawyer.

He has been questioning her about the incident in which she alleges all three of the accused raped her.

He asked her if she felt so conditioned, that she went like a lamb to the slaughter. Mrs Nicholas replied: "I already told you, there was nothing I could do."

Mr Haigh has now raised the evidence of a woman who says she can recall a time when she and Mrs Nicholas had group sex involving at least two of the accused.

Mr Haigh says the woman will tell the court Mrs Nicholas was 'certainly not saying no'.

Louise Nicholas replied that the woman was never present when she had what she says was' non-consensual' sex with Rickards and co-accused Brad Shipton.

She says the evidence is incorrect.