COSA Casualties of Sexual Allegations
Newsletter May 1995  Vol 2 No 4

Assignment, Rob Harley, TV1, 28 April 1995

This documentary presented the stories of 3 families whose daughters attended Gleneg Health Clinic, Christchurch, in 1987, when they were about 8 years old. There had never been any suggestion that any of these girls had been sexually abused.

All 3 were examined by the Camp doctor, Diane Espie, apparently without parental consent. She found that they had what she interpreted as enlarged vaginal openings and told them they had been sexually abused. Then followed interviews to reveal the offender.

All 3 denied any molestation, but despite this, Espie reported they had been abused, probably by their fathers, and requested DSW to remove them from their homes.

In the case of Caroline Gibling, her hymenal diameter was said to be 6mm, and Espie believed that anything over 4mm indicated penetration.

 To put this in perspective, the average diameter of an adult index finger is 15 to 20mm, and a penis 25 to 30mm. Solely on this "evidence", despite Caroline's repeated denials, she was put in fostercare and did not see her father again for the next 8 years.

Now that she is 17, CYPS have no further jurisdiction over her, and she has reunited with her family.

Whilst Espie acknowledges that the current literature now indicates that a hymenal size greater than 4mm does not indicate sexual abuse in an 8 year old, she offers no apology for the damage and heartache she has caused these families.