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Focus on People - Howard Broad - Index

Destroyed the careers and previously unblemished reputations of four well-qualified, experienced and dedicated child care workers

NZ Government
April 4 2006

New Police Commissioner and deputies appointed
Hon Annette King

Annette King, Howard Broad, Lynette Provost, Rob Pope


Prime Minister Helen Clark and Police Minister Annette King today announced the appointments of Howard Broad as Commissioner of Police and Rob Pope as Deputy Commissioner of Police (Operations).

Both appointments are for terms of five years, and the Government has also decided to re-appoint Lyn Provost for a further five-year term as Deputy Commissioner of Police (Resource Management).

Ms King says the Commissioner’s role is extremely demanding.

“The New Zealand Police is a large, complex operation facing cultural and organisational change."

The Commissioner must manage the response to increasingly complex criminal activity and threats to public safety, as well as ensure value is delivered from the Government’s substantial new investments in Police capability.

”The Commissioner will also lead the rewriting of the Police Act, now almost 50 years old, and the police response to the findings of the current Commission of Inquiry on integrity and conduct issues.”

Howard Broad has been a member of the NZ Police for more than 30 years, serving mainly in uniform and CIB appointments for about 18 years, and then in policy, planning and strategy roles at National Headquarters.

In 1999 he became District Commander, Auckland City Police District. He was seconded in 2003-04 to the Police Standards Unit in the UK Home Office, contributing to a major police reform project. In 2004 he was appointed to his present position of Assistant Commissioner responsible for planning, development and deployment in the Office of the Commissioner of Police.

“Mr Broad has developed a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of policing in New Zealand. He has excellent strategic thinking and management abilities that are underpinned by strong front line experience,” Ms King said.

Rob Pope has been a member of the NZ Police for more than 30 years, serving in uniform duties for five years before moving to CIB and a succession of operational appointments, culminating in promotion to National Crime Manager in the Office of the Commissioner of Police in 2002. In 2004 he took up his present position of District Commander, Wellington.

“Mr Pope has a strong track record and has earned high regard through front line CIB operations, including successful major and high profile investigations.”

Ms King says she has been greatly impressed by Lyn Provost’s contributions, and believes she is well placed to work with Commissioner Broad across “a range of significant tasks and challenges.”

The position of Commissioner of Police became vacant with Mr Rob Robinson’s retirement in December 2005. Since then the Deputy Commissioner (Operations), Mr Steve Long, has been Acting Commissioner of Police. Mr Long is to retire from the Police shortly. The Government asked the State Services Commissioner to manage the recruitment process for candidates for appointment to these roles to ensure a merit-based and professional process.

Ms King paid tribute to the role Steve Long has played since December. “He has managed the transition period professionally and with great assurance, as indeed he has managed his whole police career.”


Howard George Broad


Bachelor of Laws, Victoria University;
Legal Professionals, NZ Law Society (admission as barrister & solicitor).

Employment History
2004–2006: Asst Commissioner, Planning, Development & Deployment, Office of the Commissioner of Police

2003–2004: Asst Commissioner (seconded), Police Standards Unit, Home Office. UK

1999–2003: District Commander, Auckland City Police District

1995–1999: Superintendent, Strategy Group, Police National HQ

1993–1994: Manager, Planning & Policy, Police National HQ

1992–1993: Investigations Manager (Detective Inspector), Region Support Group, Christchurch

1991: Shift Inspector, Wellington

1986–1990: Investigative Services (Detective Sgt, Detective Inspector), CIB, Police National HQ

1975–1985: Police cadet; Uniform and CIB appointments.



Robert (Rob) John Pope

Bachelor of Business Studies, Massey University (in progress)

Employment History
2004–2006: District Commander, Wellington

2002–2004: National Crime Manager, Office of the Commissioner of Police

2000–2002: Manager, Crime Services, Canterbury District

1997–2000: Field Detective Inspector, CIB, Canterbury District

1995–1997: CIB Project Manager, Operations Support Group, Canterbury District

1991–1995: Detective Snr Sgt (O/C Serious Crime Squad. O/C Drug Squad)

1975 – 1990 Uniform and CIB appointments



Lynette (Lyn) Diana Provost

BCA Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants

Employment History
2001–2006: Deputy Commissioner of Police (Resource Management)

2000–2001: Acting Chief Executive, Archives New Zealand

1996–2001: Branch Manager, Government Management Branch, SSC

1993–1995: Asst Controller and Auditor-General, Office of the Auditor-General

1985– 1990: Director, Professional Services, Audit Office

1981–1984: Asst Manager (Computer Audit), chartered accountancies, UK and South Africa

1978–1980: Asst Auditor, Audit Office