Moral Panic - Child Sexual Abuse

Focus on People - Howard Broad - Index

Destroyed the careers and previously unblemished reputations of four well-qualified, experienced and dedicated child care workers

One News
April 4 2006

Police commissioner named

The police minister has announced Howard Broad as the new police commissioner.

He has served as an assistant commissioner since 2004.

Broad replaces acting commissioner Steve Long, who has been filling the top job since the retirement in December of Rob Robinson, who held the post for six years.

Police Minister Annette King says Broad will be responsible for rewriting the Police Act and responding to the findings of the current Commission of Inquiry on integrity and conduct issues.

She says he brings excellent strategic thinking and management abilities, along with strong frontline experience to the role. Broad's more than 30 year career in the police has included a stint as Auckland district commander, and a secondment in 2003 to the Police Standards Unit in the UK Home Office.

Broad says he supports a code of conduct for the police and looks forward to the opportunities presented by the review of the Police Act.

He says he wants the New Zealand police to be beyond question the sort of police that the public want to have.

The National Party has welcomed the appointment. Law and order spokesman Simon Power says Broad has the credentials to do a fine job.

Prime Minister Helen Clark believes the appointment of Broad will help in boosting police numbers. 

Broad says recruiting the 1,000 extra sworn police the government has committed to over the next three years, will be a challenge in a tight labour market. 

But Helen Clark says the biggest police recruitment programme ever is underway and she believes Broad's appointment will give people confidence to apply to  join the force.