COSA Casualties Of Sexual Allegations
New Zealand

Newsletter January / February 1997
Vol 4 No 1


Fathers claim doctor falsely accused them of sexually abusing their children

Five Irish fathers allege 62 year old Dr Moira Woods improperly accused them of incest in cases involving 17 children. Last month the Irish Medical Council ruled that claims that Dr Woods made false allegations of child abuse against parents will be probed in public.

One man's children were returned to him by the courts, while another claims his daughter was abused in care, having been wrongly placed there by the Eastern Health Board. Vocal chairman Edward Hernon says he lost access to his 5 year old daughter for 3 years over alleged false claims of child abuse against him by Dr Woods.

The five fathers, 4 from Dublin and one from Tipperary, are expected to give sworn evidence before the tribunal, which will be chaired by psychiatrist Dr Patricia Casey. The hearing will have the same powers as the High Court and both sides will be represented by legal counsel.

It's believed Dr Woods wanted the case heard in private and she may yet appeal the Council ruling to the High Court. However, she is also anxious that her name be cleared and has already said she is confident that accusations against her will not be upheld. Dr Woods has had leave from both public and private practice since last January.

(Olivia Doyle, The Irish Star ‘Child abuse claims to be heard in public’, 3 Dec 96)