June 21, 2001

Comments posted to

Posted: 11/05/2001 13:27

just another cover up in the list of medical scandals

Posted: 12/05/2001 01:08

This issue won't go away.

Posted: 17/06/2001 18:55

Pity the "in camera" rule upheld! Openness , even at the cost to the participants ,should have been allowed . The person on trial Dr. Woods , is known to the public and is subjected to ill-informed speculation .If there is balance it may only be that the speculation blames and exonerates in equal parts . Only the stain of blame will stick , even if exonerated . The value of all the "other" Tribunals is that the pendulum swings with the latest disclosures .

Posted: 20/06/2001 22:44

Openness and transparency was and still is the over-riding priority of the complainants in the Woods Inquiry. The complainants have no fear of public scrutiny. Four of the five complainants families fought for and won a public inquiry. Whilst Dr Woods might be on trial so are the complainants. No matter the outcome of this inquiry , the impact of the past decade will remain with many of those involved. Perhaps Richard (cahillrj) might elaborate on his claim that Dr Woods is subjected to ill-informed speculation and by whom?

Posted: 21/06/2001 11:27

I have been aware of the existence of Dr. Woods as a media personality since the seventies . In that time I have also been aware of positive and negative . speculation , to the extent that I have been conditioned to view her as a controversial personality . I have no information about the complainants except to say that I am aware of the ongoing Inquiry. I was arguing for openness ( I have been an advocate for "Letting in the Light"). It is my view ,and my interest that openness has to be in the public interest and for the public good . The outcome of this enquiry is of interest to me in this discussion , in that whatever the result that I am able to assess the decision on the basis of disclosure of the facts as tested . Philosophically I hope that the outcome shows clear lessons as to how the sensitive subject of child abuse is conducted in the future. Edward's wish that I identify the ill informed speculation misses the fact that I was commenting on the equal effects of media speculation good and bad , born of an "in camera" enquiry. I do not in any way implicate the complainants . Finally , I am not even convinced that the Childrens' Court should be "in camera".Richard Cahill