RTE Interactive News
December 07, 2001

Medical Committee finds against Woods
The Fitness to Practise Committee of the Medical Council has made a finding of professional misconduct, after an inquiry into one of the country's best known doctors. The committee was inquiring into allegations that Dr Moira Woods made false claims of child sexual abuse, involving five families.

The committee began a public inquiry into this matter two years ago. Almost immediately, it was adjourned because of a legal challenge which resulted in the rest being heard in private.

During the inquiry, it was alleged that Dr Woods, the former Head of the Sexual Assault Treatment Unit at the Rotunda Hospital had made false claims of child sex abuse. They dated back to the 1980s, and involved eleven children in five families.

Some were taken into care and later returned. The inquiry lasted several weeks. It heard evidence from a large number of witnesses, including international experts.

Today, it emerged that the committee had made a finding of professional misconduct. It will now pass this on to the full Medical Council, which may or may not accept the finding.

It can then decide what, if any, sanctions should apply. Dr Woods, who has strongly rejected the allegations, will have the right to challenge any findings or penalties in the High Court. The Medical Council may publish a full report on the matter after it meets at the end of next month. Tonight, it would not make any comment on the committee's findings.