Irish Independent
January 28, 2002

Families wrongly accused of abuse call for inquiry
Eilish O'Regan

Health Minister, Michael Martin, is to be asked to set up a sworn public inquiry into the actions of retired GP Dr Moira Woods, who is facing sanction this week after being found guilty of professional misconduct.

The five families who brought their complaints against Dr Woods to the Medical Council, arising out of allegations that she wrongly accused them of abusing their children, said yesterday it is now essential that a comprehensive probe be carried out.

Dr Woods, who practised in Ballsbridge in Dublin for many years and now lives in Italy, will learn tomorrow or Wednesday what sanction, if any, the ruling body for doctors, the Medical Council, will take against her.

The Council will consider a report of its Fitness to Practise Committee, which after 42 days of evidence, found Dr Woods, head of the Sexual Assault Treatment Unit in the Rotunda Hospital, did not follow the correct protocols for validation of sexual abuse in the cases of some of the children involved.

It also found Dr Woods did not gather all the evidence that was available, and in other cases, failed to review findings.

The allegations against Dr Woods were not upheld in relation to five children from one family and one from another. The families involved were last night reported to be devastated by this and have called for an inquiry to vindicate their reputation.

The Council is to hold meetings tomorrow and Wednesday to consider a backlog of business, including the case of Dr Woods, who can face a range of sanctions including the possibility of being struck off, a censure or having conditions attached to her practice.

Dr Woods can appeal any sanction of the Medical Council to the High Court.

The families involved are understood to be planning to picket the Council headquarters tomorrow, demanding that the strictest penalty be imposed on Dr Woods. They are also taking their campaign to the Dail to demand the probe be extended to the role of the Department of Health in the matter.

The families cannot be named due to a High Court order. However, one of the families involved is expected to appeal this to the High Court on the grounds that the child involved is now an adult.

It is unclear if the report of the inquiry which was sent to lawyers for Dr Woods over a month ago, will be published. The families are understood to be dismayed that the details were leaked before they were given the courtesy of seeing it after enduring a five year inquiry.