UK Mens Network
January 29, 2002

Request for Support
Roger (mailto:[email protected])

I make no apologies for repeating this call for groups around the world who care about our children to send a simple message of support to be read out at the public meeting in Dublin on Monday evening 4 February. This meeting is being hosted by Vocal Ireland, Parental Equality and Amen.

It would appear as the veil of secrecy is being torn down millimetre by millimetre that we are beginning to uncover a deliberate attempt to pervert Irish society by a small group of radical feminists in the mid eighties.

By employing methods that they imported directly from their ideological sisters in the US and Britain, they set up copy-cat groups here even without having any real evidence of the need for their existence. Specifically these organisations were the Irish Woman's Aid, the Dublin Rape Crisis centre and the Rotunda Sexual Abuse Centre.

It now appears that they then set about, through misrepresenting facts, to create a poisonous society where men and women would be set against each other through the medium of inventing the father as toxic to his family.

An important and indeed vital part of this was their necessity to change the perception of the father in his natural and traditional role as being the primary provider and protector of his children to him being the most dangerous person to be around children.

With the help of many kind hearted but gullible groups and individuals who sincerely believed they were helping a clearly identified problem these radical feminists started a campaign of propaganda with the clearly intended target of manufacturing contempt for men and fathers and so making it easy to eliminate them from the family.

Key to this was the work done by Dr Moira Woods. As she produced so many guilty verdicts with the most casual of investigations one has to assume she was acting almost exclusively on ideological and political grounds which was that ALL FATHERS were, by definition in contemporary radical feminist circles, considered to be rapists and sexual abusers of their children.

This she did with unbelievable ease. 'Working' mostly on her own she 'found' 1300 children had been sexually abused by their fathers in a three year period. The ensuing media frenzy and headlines, where only rumours and figures could be reported because of the enforcement of the 'in camera' rule, created such a shock wave in the Irish Psyche that after the three year period of her reign even sensible decent Irish people everywhere were willing to believe even the most vile propaganda about fathers, including soon also the stuff the Domestic Violence industry spewed out.

We now know that there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever which suggests that fathers or husbands batter their wives at the enormous rates that the DV propaganda would have us believe. In fact every single study worldwide shows that the level in married couples is extremely low and is the same for wives abusing husbands as it for husbands abusing wives. This is all contained in a report prepared for the Department of Justice by Keiran McKeon but one which the Dept have suppressed for the past eighteen months.

Following the Medical Council's finding of Woods to be guilty of professional misconduct in three families cases we now must demand to uncover what she did to the other 1297 children and families.

Eddy Harnon was on Ireland's prime time talk show on Saturday night with his daughter who they accused him of abusing. It was very disturbing but no-one could have watched and not realised the innocence of the man.

This group's determination to see this through to secure the finding of guilty of professional misconduct against the leading feminist instrument of misery for the past twenty years is, I believe, the hole in the Berlin wall.

At the public meeting we need to show our strength so I am asking again for anyone reading this to just hit the reply button and add a few lines of support. With our combined strength we can drive a wedge into the crack in the wall which will never be allowed to close again.

I would like everyone to email their messages of support direct to me.

Thank you and best wishes, Roger (mailto:[email protected])