The Irish Examiner

January 30, 2002

Medical council report must be published

Parents will take a profound interest in the Medical Council’s ruling in the case of a doctor who wrongly accused five fathers of sexually abusing their children.

Such dark allegations are every parent’s nightmare. They also go to the heart of the council’s role in defending the interests of citizens against doctors. In such cases, it is vital to protect the anonymity of parents and children. However, in the public interest and also in fairness to Dr Moira Woods, the doctor and former social campaigner at the centre of the longest running inquiry of its kind, it is essential to publish the Medical Council’s report.

The main complaint against Dr Woods was that she had wrongly diagnosed their children as suffering from abuse. The GP strenuously denied the allegation.

While this controversy has been festering for nearly two decades, the issues are as alive now as in the ’80s. Tragically, some of the fathers have never seen their children since they were taken into care.

Confidentiality is paramount, but there is an onus on the Medical Council to publish its findings in the public and private interests and also in the interest of justice