Moral Panic - Child Sexual Abuse

Professional Misconduct - Moira Woods

Index 2002

The Irish Times
February 13, 2002

Victims Of Abuse
Letter to the Editor
by John O'Shea, Killarney, Co Kerry

Breda O'Brien (February 9th) should be applauded for the level-headed approach she brings to matters pertaining to child sex abuse and for her courageous voice of reason in an area where judgment is too often clouded by emotion.

I had thought that the recent attention given to the Dr Moira Woods case would open up debate as to the state of current methods for investigating allegations of child sex abuse. Sadly the general perception seems to be that we now have a process in place that doesn't allow emotion or prejudice, not to mention arrogance, to infect the system.

The past is another country where it is safe to admit mistakes have been made. No doubt after another 15 years it will be safe for some wise heads to shake at the errors being made by those same wise heads today.