Moral Panic - Child Sexual Abuse

Professional Misconduct - Moira Woods

Index 2002

The Irish Times
February 27, 2002

Dr Woods And Medical Council
Letter to the Editor
by Clodagh Corcoran,
(Chairwoman, ICCL Working Party on Child Abuse, 1994-1996),
Shepherds Bush, London W12

I read the conclusions of the Medical Council's fitness to practise committee regarding Dr Moira Woods, and also her decision not to appeal their judgment (The Irish Times, February 20th), with great sadness.

As a member of the ground-breaking ICCL working party on child sexual abuse, Moira Woods showed unfailing courage and inspiration in her child-centred approach when dealing with parents who came to her in overwhelming numbers seeking help and advice. Her common sense, pragmatism and sense of humour kept all our feet on the ground during a very difficult time.

This was at a time when health boards throughout the country were claiming in statistical returns to the Department of Health and in conversations with the working party members that there were few if any reports in their areas of incest or child sexual abuse. My brief from the Department of Health was that under no circumstances was I to approach or report back on members of the police, military or religious against whom complaints were being made. Implicit in that instruction was that such allegations against fine, upstanding members of the community were almost certainly lies.

Against such a mind-set, what chance did the abused child have? Moira Woods's dedicated work at that time changed social policy, while her campaign to improve the lives of women and children throughout her working life ensures her a significant place in Irish social history.

The continuing failure of the Government to tackle the problem of the sexual abuse of children in Ireland in a consistent, practical, urgent way is a disgrace. Following the outcome of the Medical Council's fitness to practise committee, why should anyone bother in the future? - Yours, etc.,
