Moral Panic - Child Sexual Abuse

Professional Misconduct - Moira Woods

Index 2002

The Irish Times
April 12, 2002

Doctors concerned at Woods inquiry
by Dr Muiris Houston,
Medical Correspondent, Killarney

A group of doctors have written to the president of the Medical Council to express their concern at the manner in which the Dr Moira Woods fitness to practise inquiry was carried out. And they have said that, as a result, many doctors in the State will be reluctant to get involved in the area of child abuse.

The letter, which has been seen by The Irish Times, says that "throughout the Medical Council process there was information in the public arena at every stage which should not have been there. This was not addressed or regulated by the Medical Council. It allowed information damaging to Dr Woods to enter the public arena before and during the inquiry and prior to any conclusion being reached."

It is understood that over 50 medical practitioners have signed the letter, including a number who are active in the medical treatment of child abuse.

Dr Woods was found guilty of professional misconduct earlier this year, arising out of her work in the detection and treatment of child abuse. It is believed that the vote of the council's fitness to practise committee was split three to two in favour of sanctioning Dr Woods.