Sunday Independent
March 3 2003

Medical Council set to publish Woods report after family takes legal action
by Fergal Bowers
editor of

The Irish Medical Council is to publish the report of its inquiry into Dr Moira Woods, the former head of the Rotunda Hospital sexual assault treatment unit, found guilty of professional misconduct. This follows legal action by one of the five families involved and a High Court hearing scheduled for tomorrow.

The family is also seeking discovery of transcripts not released by the Council, an order seeking the lifting of the anonymity ruling in relation to the families and the return of all documents.

Last week in the High Court, Mr Justice Barr granted one of the families permission to seek an order directing the Medical Council to publish the inquiry report. After being put on notice of the legal action, set to be heard tomorrow, the Council said it would make the report public. Meanwhile, the Council will seek High Court confirmation of the finding and censure penalty against Dr Woods a standard procedure in all misconduct cases.