One News
Dec 4 2001

Psychologist gets abuse case wrong

A father's eight year battle against child abuse allegations has ended, but he is still not allowed to see his children.

The psychologist who made the claims has been fined $5,000 after pleading guilty to charges of conduct unbecoming.

Prue Vincent of
Wellington has been censured by her professional body for:

Allowing the children's mother to be present at their interviews.

Asking leading questions.

Not interviewing the father.

Interviewing the children too many times.

There is now doubt the children were ever abused at all, but the father is still not allowed to see them.

Wellington father claims Vincent's actions wrecked his life and he is angry she has not been struck off.

He lost access to his young children eight years ago after her interviews supported his wife's claims that he abused the children.

"I haven't been able to participate in my children's lives," he said.

And his fight through the court to get his children back has cost him more than $80,000.

"There's nothing I can do to restore my family. My reason for talking is to try and stop it happening to any other poor innocent family," he said.

The father says he does not want to put his children through further court battles and accepts he may never see them again.

Vincent said in a statement there has been no finding in the case, by either the Family Court or the Psychologists Board, that her conclusions were wrong.

The Psychologists Board says the offences do not warrant striking Vincent off