The Press
December 4, 2001

Psychologist still working

A top psychologist who was fined and censured for botching a sex abuse investigation that left a man wrongly accused of molesting his young children has been allowed to keep practising.

Wellington child sex abuse expert Prue Vincent fought the Dominion newspaper in the courts to stop her name being published, claiming it would destroy her career.

Yesterday, she abandoned her appeal, and said she would issue a statement later.

Ms Vincent, once head of Social Welfare's psychologists team, and who regularly works for the Department of Child, Youth and Family Services, appeared before the Psychologists' Board on November 12.

She pleaded guilty to charges of conduct unbecoming. The board fined Ms Vincent $5000 and gave her a letter of censure, but confirmed it had no plans to publish her name.

The father, who cannot be identified to protect the identity of his children, spent $82,000 proclaiming his innocence in five hearings to gain access to his children.

He still cannot see his children. after his former wife accused him of abuse some years ago.